small worlds
is a pita-pata gathering
in autumn and winter
in the natural playscape
lead artists
rebecca russell
ken evans
small worlds two
we created creatures and decorations
for the tree trunk
one day we want to cover
all the trees
all the walls
all the logs
with creatures and decorations
like Kusama covers with dots
the berries are hawthorn berries
they are everywhere here
growing on the side of the road
Yonke showed them to me
they don't lose their colour
the creatures have such personality
they seem to be
characters in search of an author
the creatures, creators
and other creations
spread beyond the tree trunk
and my prediction has proved totally incorrect
the parents and children who have begun creating together
have consistently continued to create
with a break for food
for nearly two hours
they work side by side
they work independently together
they continue to share
chat and fossick together
it's beautiful to see
it seems we have a resident possum
he or she
hard to tell
made a dash across the garden
then appeared in our tree
with a friend
some more pictures from
the gathering
looking forward to the final gathering in this series
Friday 22nd June 2012